Gina Giorgio ’20

Director of Strategy and Development

Gina Giorgio is pursuing her Master’s in Communications at Wake Forest University where she is studying how portrayals of psychedelics in the media impact attitudes towards psychedelics use. In 2020, she started in drug policy with Students for Sensible Drug Policy and since then, she has organized lobby days and a proposal for a psychedelic research bill to be introduced in North Carolina. Currently, she is SSDP’s Psychedelic Pipeline Program Director, a program she has been a part of for almost three years.

Aside from her involvement in the psychedelic field, she also works in cannabis policy and advocacy for NisonCo PR, a cannabis consulting firm. At NisonCo, she has had the pleasure of coordinating a cannabis home cultivation lobby day in New Jersey, advocating for 911 Good Samaritan Law education in New York, and creating cannabis policy councils, among a few. Through Gina’s work in drug policy and advocacy, she hopes to expand access to therapeutic substances, while educating the public about their fact-based benefits and risks.