Schedule (Will be updated as sessions are scheduled)
Wave 1: November 12th-15th
November 12th from 12 PM-1 PM EST, 5 PM-6 PM GMT
- Introduction to SSDP’s 2020 Strategy Summit
Description: Welcome to Strategy Summit! This introductory session will provide an overview by SSDP’s Chair of the Board of Directors, Julia Hilbert, on the history and importance of SSDP’s annual Strategy Summit Event. Chairs of the Strategic Planning Committee, Kat Ebert, and Evan Hazlett will then provide an introduction into how this year’s Strategy Summit will work. Following, Róisín Downes, SSDP’s Global Program Coordinator will provide n overview of the Global Program Expansion. For the remainder of the time, speakers will be available for questions regarding the Strategy Summit and Strategic Planning Process.
- Session Presentation
- Session Recording
Wave 2: November 16th-22nd
Monday, November 16th at 4:30 PM Eastern, 9:30 PM GMT
- SSDP Psychedelic Pipeline Program Review
Description: In this session, Vilmarie Fraguada Narloch, PsyD ’09 will review the SSDP Psychedelic Pipeline program. She wil be sharing lessons learned from the first cohort of the mentorship program and providing updates about new opportunities and collaborations being developed for the Pipeline to better serve our network. Additionally, SSDP board vice chair, Oriana Mayorga will facilitate a discussion with our members about how she has engaged with the Psychedelic Pipeline and solicit ideas from members of how they would like to see the program evolve.
Wednesday, November 18th at 3 PM-4PM EST, 8 PM-9PM GMT
- Just Say Know Peer Education Program Review
Description: In this session, the Director of Drug Education will be reviewing the JSK program and sharing updates we are including in the program for the 3rd edition. Additionally, we will facilitate a discussion about members’ experiences with the program, and ways they would like to see it evolve.
Saturday, November 21st at 12 PM-1PM EST, 5 PM-6PM GMT
- Slack: What is It, How to Navigate It, and Why We Should Use It as Our Primary Communication Platform
Description: In this session, ICC Chair and Strategic Planning Committee Vice Chair, Kat Ebert will be discussing about effective organizational communication via Slack. She will talk about how to use Slack and why it has been proven to be the most effective form of communication for many different organizations. We need to transition away from relying on email and use a more productive platform as we continue to adapt to this digital age.
Sunday, November 22nd, 12 PM-1 PM EST, 5 PM-6 PM GMT
- Supporting Regional Autonomy
Description: SSDP is only as strong as its members. SSDP members deserve their work, perspectives and opinions more actively represented in our programmatic plan. SSDP should facilitate the creation of regional structures to better serve SSDPers on the ground. These new structures can allow for better communication & representation of needs to the board & team, they also provide a new tier of involvement and power in the organisation for members to engage with. This session will involve an explanation of the diverse range of structures which currently exists across the network, the developments & considerations made by SSDP International’s Outreach & Membership Structure (OAMS) working group and discussions on what is the goal of regional empowerment in the next 3 years & what milestones should be considered.
- Session Recording
- Recording Password: ah4xXm^S
Wave 3: November 29th-8th
Monday, November 30th at 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM EST, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM GMT
- Defining SSDP Global’s Core International Mission (in alignment with The United Nations 17 Goals)
Description: SSDP has been steered by US citizens and is largely run from a US-centric point of view that had undesired ripple effects across our work. With setting up the Vienna office, we need to think about ways of integrating the global office into global governance while adapting processes that fit the needs of our entire member-base. This session will explore the idea that we should align SSDPs to better reflect our intersectional vision and mission while keeping in mind the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and corresponding harm reduction efforts.
Thursday, December 3 at 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM EST/4:30 PM – 5:30 PM GMT
- International Activities Fund & Project Funding – sustainable project funding for chapters & national networks
Description: In this session, we will explore the potentials in (re)designing how we source project funding for chapters and national networks within SSDP. The goal is to figure out ways that are accessible, sustainable, transparent and don’t exclude anyone from taking part in programmatic activities and campaigning, especially global initiatives.
- Session Recording
- Recording Password: !pg7%3hV
Tuesday, December 15, 2020 2 PM EST/ 7 PM GMT
- Supporting Students and Fostering Professional Development
Description: SSDP provides so much more than just an outlet for reforming drug policies. Students often report honing professional skills and emotional/personal development through their leadership activities and activism tied to SSDP. How might we better position our organization to best serve the personal and professional development of our students and allied constituents into the future? This Strategy Summit discussion seeks to understand these professional and emotional development needs that serve to prepare our students for their future beyond their involvement with SSDP. This conversation looks to align our mission and vision with ancillary support systems and opportunities for professional, emotional, and career development in tandem with reform efforts. Professional development opportunities, like attending more international conferences, could serve a twofold purpose across and for our network. SSDP members and SSDP staff can build relationships with prominent organizations and figures in the global drug policy reform world, and these connections can also be an effective way of gaining access to more funding opportunities. We need to create a plan to make more funding available for SSDP staff and members to participate in such professional development opportunities, and in turn a strategy for utilizing these events as part of our global fundraising and public relations strategy.
- Session Recording
- Recording Password: W!5rf89D
To Be Scheduled
- Where Do We Go From Here? A wrap-up!
Description: This round table discussion will serve as a reflection and wrap up for the month’s long Strategy Summit. Here, previous session facilitators will come together to summarize what’s evolving and what’s next for Students for Sensible Drug Policy through key themes and takeaways from our first-ever virtual Strategy Summit.
- Meeting ID:
- Password:
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