November Newsletter 2021

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Note from the team 

It has been an exciting last few months at SSDP! We launched multiple campaigns, hired 2 stellar interns, and had a strong presence at MJBizCon, the 5th European Harm Reduction Conference, and the American Bar Association’s Business of Cannabis Conference. Help us keep up the momentum by becoming a member of our Sensible Society, and see below for more details on our incredible work! 

Launching local level campaigns in the U.S.

We launched our model drug decriminalization resolution with a phenomenal group of young leaders who will be taking the courageous plunge into local politics in 5 different cities in the United States. You can see Policy and Advocacy Director, Robert Hofmann ‘16, facilitate a discussion on our YouTube channel here. Special guests, Shaleen Title ’02 and Richard Juang, join the forum to discuss their Parabola Center which will be providing drafting support for SSDP decrim campaigns!

Deepening our support of Indigenous Farmers in Latin America

Our Board Secretary, Marlo Holguin ‘19, interviewed Fabiola Piñacué of Coca Nasa. Fabiola is a leader of an Indigenous community of coca farmers who produce coca products for sale in Bogotá, Colombia. This interview was entirely in Spanish as an effort to engage in multilingual content. We plan on translating this video so more people can watch as well! 

40 Under 40

Yesterday, November 16th, we released our 40 Under 40 Outstanding BIPOC Leaders in Drug Policy led by Oriana Mayorga ‘13, SSDP’s Equity Strategist. The list features 40 advocates of color under 40 years old working collectively to end the War on Drugs. Please check out the full list and support these amazing young people!

Growing our team

SSDP has brought on two new interns! Nina Christie will be supporting our work on the Drug free schools and communities act, and Emma Landry will be supporting our model resolution campaigns! Having direct support for our policy campaigns is critical to their success. Nina and Emma will be fantastic SSDP champions advocating for policy change from the White House to your City Council!

Huge congratulations to everyone launching incredible campaigns around the globe, and we look forward to seeing you all in the trenches this winter!

Action Alerts 

United States 



New Activists and Chapters

  • Colorado School of Mines
  • University of Denver
  • Johns Hopkins University
  • Oberlin College
  • SSDP Limerick
  • SSDP Glasgow

CAT leaderboard

  1. Rochester SSDP
  2. Wake Forest University School of Medicine
  3. Michigan State University
  4. University of California Berkeley
  5. Willamette University College of Law
  6. University of New Haven
  7. DePaul University
  8. University of California Santa Cruz
  9. Point Park University
  10. San Diego City College


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Network highlights

  • University of California Berkeley SSDP successfully lobbied their school to create an official “peer educator” role for which credits are awarded. University of California Berkeley SSDP also expanded Narcan access on campus: all students can now get Narcan at the school pharmacy after taking a short online quiz.
  • Gina Georgio ‘20 and Taylor Herbert ‘20 completed the JSK summer camp to become SSDP Certified Peer Educators.
  • SSDP Nigeria attended CRISA 2021 and hosted a panel “Medicinal Cannabis Cultivation: A curse or a blessing to Africa.”

In the news

  • Will Denton Decriminalize Misdemeanor Amounts of Pot? – University of North Texas (UNT) SSDP
    • “When we founded that chapter back in August of 2018, we did so with a mission of policy change,” Seikel said. They wanted to change policy on campus and in the city “to deal with the many consequences that have stemmed from the war on drugs and also the war on cannabis.”
  • It’s time to revamp D.C. government — again  – SSDP Global
    • Says “DecrimPovertyDC — a coalition of advocacy groups like the Drug Policy Alliance (DPA) and Students for Sensible Drug Policy — will be imploring the District Council to take up the cause, and members have already met with the offices of each legislator and have gotten a generally positive reception.”
  • Attorney general concerned about illegal look-alike edibles – Yale SSDP
    • “We believe that these unregulated products are the reason why the legalization of recreational cannabis is so important,” Jack Sullivan ’23 and Amanda Ivatorov ’23, president and vice president of Students for Sensible Drug Policy at Yale, wrote to the News in an email. “With the ability to purchase from dispensaries, individuals who want to use cannabis recreationally can know exactly what they are buying. … Regardless of the legal status of cannabis, there will always be an incentive to sell unregulated products at lower prices, however, legalizing cannabis gives people who want to consume these products the ability to know exactly what they’re consuming.”
  • SDS releases list of demands, UNF responds – University of North Florida (UNF) SSDP
    • “The University is committed to fostering a safe campus for our students and all members of the Osprey community. The administration has received the list of demands provided by Students for a Democratic Society, in collaboration with Students United for Workers’ Advocacy and Students for Sensible Drug Policy. Interim President Chally has invited student representatives from the groups to an upcoming meeting to hear their concerns and overall perceptions of the University. Insights learned will be shared with key University administrative staff”

From the blog

Recommended reading and resources

Upcoming events and days of action

These events include those which are hosted by SSDP global, or by SSDP chapters, or in which we are partners or co-hosts, or feature an SSDP member as a speaker. If your chapter is hosting an event that you’d like listed, please let your SSDP staff member know. Check the “Member Benefits” section for event discount codes!

Jobs and opportunities

  • Managing Director of Development and Communications – National Harm Reduction Coalition
  • Capacity Building and Training Coordinator –  National Harm Reduction Coalition
  • 5 positions and 2 internships open – Drug Policy Alliance
  • 4 positions open  – NisonCo
  • 12 positions open – Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps
  • Clinical Director – Sage Institute – Oakland, California, USA 
  • Training Program Coordinator – Sage Institute – Oakland, California, USA 
  • Source Research Foundation Student Grant Application – Pre-appliation due January 15th, 2022
  • 2 internships – MAPS Public Benefit Corporation – Remote, USA
  • Training Coordinator – MAPS Public Benefit Corporation – Remote, USA
  • SSDP X Fireside Project Ambassador – Remote, USA
  • Policy Intern – AIDS United
  • Drug War Journalism Fellowship – Filter Magazine

Member Benefits

  • Dip Devices’ Dipper – Get 15% off and give 15% to us with code “SSDP15”
  • Dip Devices’ EVRI – 1% of all sales go to SSDP & MPP 
  • Gift your credit card rewards to SSDP with Charity Charge 
  • Work with NisonCo to propel your organization through public relations in the recreational cannabis, medical marijuana, and hemp industries.
  • Get books from our Recommended Reading list and give back at the same time
  • Shop to give back with iGive, Giving Assistant, and Amazon Smile
  • Eco-Ag U Online from Acres U.S.A. – Get 15% off of any course or rewatch with discount code “SSDP15”

In Memory of José Luís “Chito” Gascón, human rights activist