North Carolina Psychedelic Policy Coalition

The North Carolina Psychedelic Policy Coalition (NCPPC) is a grassroots coalition of professionals dedicated to supporting the expansion of psychedelic medicines in North Carolina, through therapy and research. Most notably, NCPPC helped introduce House Bill 727 in April 2023. House Bill 727, The Breakthrough Therapies Research/Advisory Act, would support two grants, totaling $5.4 million, to research into the therapeutic benefits of psilocybin and MDMA.

If passed, the MDMA research study would focus on treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder, specifically for veterans, first responders, frontline healthcare workers, domestic violence and sexual assault survivors. The psilocybin research study would focus on treating anxiety disorder, depressive disorder, or both.

An advisory board to oversee the grant application and research process would also be established. This bill is currently in Appropriations, where it is being considered in the state budget.

Both MDMA and psilocybin have shown promise in scientific studies as a breakthrough treatment for PTSD and depression, according to researchers writing for the World Journal of Psychiatry. Wayne Sasser, a sponsor of HB727, says those who oppose research into the therapies often don’t understand what it will mean for their community. He states there is a misconception among some North Carolina constituents and legislators that the passage of the bill will mean drugs will be legalized and brought into their community. “It’s just a treatment, and it’s a very specific treatment, and it’s handled very professionally, it’s FDA approved. And there’s no reason that we’re not doing this,” Sasser said.

We do this work because the war on drugs is a war on us.

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