SSDP Action Center

Tell President Biden to Keep Your Promise!

Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP) has partnered with the Last Prisoner Project to conduct a series of actions aimed at pressuring President Biden to release the nation’s federal cannabis prisoners. We are seeking people who are ready willing and able to escalate pressure on the president until all our cannabis prisoners are home. Our demand is simple: “Follow through on your campaign promise to release all cannabis prisoners or we will remind the nation of your role in creating mass incarceration.” For more information on the nuts and bolts of clemency work please visit the Last Prisoner Projects “Time to heal” page and join their letter writing campaign Unfortunately President Biden will not take action unless pushed to do so by the people. Join us in building a movement disruptive enough to force him to follow through on his promise.
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US Actions

Resolution to Advance Sensible Drug Policy

Join Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP) in the Resolution to Advance Sensible Drug Policy! We have created a full resolution, an organizing guide, and a one pager that breaks the ordinance down into 4 main sections: adopting a public health approach to controlled substances, reforming criminal codes, audit and tracking of expenses and fees paid, encouraging school systems to sunset the use of police in schools, and protections for parents when interacting with child protective services


Volunteer with SSDP at Psychedelics As Medicine Conference in Iceland

Join SSDP at Psychedelics as Medicine conference on February 27-28, 2025 in Reykjavík, Iceland. The conference aims to support the development of renewed interest in ancient practices of plant medicine.

Interested in volunteering for us? Please contact and learn more about the event at


Join the Science Policy Committee

SSDP’s Science Policy Committee (SPC) is proud to be the largest home for young scientists advocating for drug policy reform and continues to strive to bring students, postdocs, and scientists at all levels together to work towards one common goal: sensible evidence-based policies.

SPC is co-led by scientists at the graduate and post-doctoral levels and ensures a collaborative effort to engage the public and our policymakers on the local, national and international level.

In 2024, the SPC took the DEA to court for an unprecedented 7-day long hearing to prevent the scheduling of two psychedelics, DOI and DOC, that are primarily used in psychedelic research.


Apply To Become A Student Candidate For SSDP’s Board Of Directors

In 2025, the SSDP Congress will convene from March 7th – 8th, 2025, and provide each chapter in the network the opportunity to elect new student members to the Board of Directors. We strongly encourage all who believe they can commit to apply. Serving on the Board of Directors of SSDP is an invaluable, incredibly rewarding experience. You will play a major part in growing SSDP and helping to end the War on Drugs while gaining a unique nonprofit management experience.


Cannabis Week of Unity Sign-Volunteer with SSDP at Chacruna’s Psychedelic Culture Conference

SSDP is proud to be a Community Partner for Charcuna’s Psychedelic Culture conference taking place March 29-30, 2025 at the Brava Theater in San Francisco.

We have volunteer opportunities available. Please contact us at if you would like to join us for the Bay Area’s annual Spring conference on plant medicines and psychedelic science.


Looking for more?

Do you have a state/province, national/federal, or international action you want to be listed on this page? Email us at and we can help you set it up!

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