Filter: DEA Bids to Exclude Expert Witnesses From Psychedelics-Ban Hearing

Filter: DEA Bids to Exclude Expert Witnesses From Psychedelics-Ban Hearing

Special thanks to Jack Gorsline from Filter Magazine for a deeper look into the DEA’s response to our expert witnesses for the DOI and DOC hearing. Published on October 4, 2024.

“We have assembled a world-class international group of behavioral and molecular pharmacologists, chemists, neuroscientists, and a former Government Advisor on psychoactive drugs,” added SSDP’s Elijah Ullman, who is himself pursuing a PhD in molecular and systems pharmacology. “If the DEA believes that both DOI and DOC should be placed in Schedule I, they should have no issue allowing our witnesses to testify in full.”

“Otherwise,” he continued, “it appears to me that they are worried their dataset is lacking the scientific rigor to support their claims.”

The coalition also slammed the DEA’s attempt to discredit witnesses in a separate countermotion filed on October 3 , by SSDP attorney Brett Phelps and attorney Robert Rush, on behalf of UC Berkeley’s Dr. Raul Ramos.

“The Government moves to severely restrict virtually all the Petitioners’ witnesses [is] based on a pedantic analysis of the summaries of testimony offered in the Petitioners’ Prehearing Statement,” the joint countermotion stated, and “mischaracterizes [their] proposed testimony.”

Read the entire article from Filter here.

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