Lanese Martin
North Carolina Harm Reduction Fellowship Coordinator
Lanese Martin is a community organizer with a background in electoral campaigns, policy and advocacy on issues impacting Black people and the areas they work, live & play – Lanese supports projects that address systemic inequality. As co-Founder of The Hood Incubator, which is a national grassroots organization, she guides the organization’s mission to end the drug war by 2040. In less than 5 years she has grown the organization to be the leading voice in its space. Lanese is the former Chair of Oakland’s Cannabis Regulatory Commission. Under Lanese’s leadership the city of Oakland has the most comprehensive equity program to date in the country. Lanese also serves as SSDP’s North Carolina Harm Reduction fellowship coordinator, a brand new program that seeks to empower young people of color in North Carolina to educate their communities on the benefits of harm reduction policies toward preventing youth overdose.