Introducing ‘SSDP 101: History and Overview of SSDP’

Introducing ‘SSDP 101: History and Overview of SSDP’

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In SSDP 101, join SSDP’s Executive Director, Betty Aldworth, as she discusses SSDP’s origins and growth into what it is today: an international grassroots network of students who are concerned about the impact of drug abuse on our communities, but who also know that the War on Drugs is failing our generation and our society. SSDP 101 is the first in a video series called the “SSDP Classroom.” The SSDP Classroom aims (1) to provide training to student activists within our network, (2) to connect students to pertinent resources and opportunities, (3) to familiarize students with SSDP staff, and (4) to provide students with informational video content. More details to come. Take three minutes to check out SSDP 101: History and Overview of SSDP here.