SSDP International Launches the Second Edition of Drug Policy Reform at the United Nations: A Youth Advocacy Handbook

Drug Policy Reform at the United Nations: A Youth Advocacy Handbook, 2nd Edition
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This entry has been published on September 20, 2021 and may be out of date.

To fulfil a more extensive UN Strategy for 2021-2022, SSDP International is proud to release the Second Edition of the Youth Advocacy Handbook. Traditionally a core resource to the training of SSDP members participating at the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND), the Handbook provides an accessible introduction to the workings of UN institutions and ways civil society can get involved in decision making. From tips and tricks for inside and outside track advocacy to key action alerts, the Handbook has been the starting point for every SSDPer willing to venture into the ups and downs of international drug policy. 

The Second Edition comes at a time when civil society participation at the UN has taken a new form as a result of the Covid-19 Pandemic. It, therefore, addresses some of the core opportunities and limitations that have arisen from hybrid format proceedings, whilst equally offering a broader perspective on UN advocacy efforts beyond the main Spring session of the CND. Members will find a brand new Annual Timeline that covers both UN activity and SSDP engagement, as well as more information on CND Thematic Intersessionals, UNODC Expert Consultations and Informal Dialogues. Additionally, with the goal of increasing SSDP presence at UN Institutions in New York, a section on NYNGOC has been added to complement existing information on the VNGOC. 

Similarly to previous years, the Handbook will be amongst the first preparatory steps for members keen to partake in SSDP’s UN work. It will be accompanied by the newly revamped UN Training Webinar Series which will focus on best civil society practices, resolution and public speaking workshops, as well as unique networking opportunities with regional stakeholders for Europe, Africa and the US.

By the end of their learning experience, SSDP members will have acquired the skills and connections to lobby their country delegation, make written and oral statements to influence policymakers, as well as build an international professional network to advance reform at home.

The Second Edition of the Youth Advocacy Handbook is available here.

To stay up to date with the UN Training Webinar Series and other opportunities, you can sign up for the SSDP UN Mailing List. The Series will commence after the CND Thematic Intersessional in late October 2021, with 1 session taking place each month until March 2022.   

For any questions regarding the Handbook or the UN Training Webinar Series, please contact the Global Fellow at