Drug Policy


International Overdose Awareness Day 2021

Today is International Overdose Awareness Day. The day began in 2001 in Melbourne, Australia and has grown to be the largest annual global campaigns to end overdose. With one of the slogans being, “Time to Remember. Time to Act.” The World Drug Report (2021) stated that an estimated 275 million people used drugs in 2020 and that drug related deaths

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Announcing New SSDP Promotions!

We are excited to announce two promotions for members of our team!Rob Hofmann ‘16 is now our Policy and Advocacy Director! In this role, Rob will be advancing drug policy reform by developing, implementing, and activating members around SSDP’s policy priorities. Other responsibilities include: Advising the SSDP team and members on policy mattersConducting research on current and upcoming legislation as

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