SSDP Submits Public Comment on Marijuana Rescheduling to Federal Register

SSDP Submits Public Comment on Marijuana Rescheduling to Federal Register

This entry has been published on July 22, 2024 and may be out of date.

Students for Sensible Drug Policy urges the Department of Justice to not just reschedule marijuana as a Schedule III drug, but to remove it from the Controlled Substances Act entirely (“descheduling”). 

While SSDP commends the Department of Justice for taking a much-needed step towards ending federal marijuana prohibition, rescheduling marijuana as a Schedule III drug simply is not sufficient.

Schedule III will not stop arrests, it will not release a single person from prison, it will not break the paper shackles of a criminal conviction, and it puts a target on the backs of every young person, who is now more likely to have their future destroyed by police intervention and arrests. It does not even fully recognize the state-legal dispensary model that the American people themselves want to see expanded. 

It is not enough to simply treat the symptoms of bad cannabis policy; we must fix the problem at its root cause. 

We therefore urge the Department of Justice to continue through with the spirit of ending the decades-long War on Cannabis—which we believe to be the intent of rescheduling—and completely remove marijuana from the Controlled Substances Act (CSA).

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