Press Release: University of Michigan SSDP Launches Campaign to Decriminalize Drug Possession, Fund Proven Recovery Services in Ann Arbor

Primary contacts
Matt Dargay, (248)-762-6976, – President, University of Michigan Students for Sensible Drug Policy
Kylee Crook, (509)-703-8490, – Community Organizing and Events Coordinator, University of Michigan Students for Sensible Drug Policy
For immediate release
Student Drug Policy Organization Launches Campaign to Decriminalize Drug Possession, Fund Proven Recovery Services in Ann Arbor
Ann Arbor, March 16th, 2022 – After months of behind-the-scenes work with addiction treatment providers, elected officials, and other activist groups, Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP) at the University of Michigan is launching a campaign to decriminalize drug possession in Ann Arbor. They will hold a public campaign kickoff event on Wednesday, March 16th at 6:30 PM in the Michigan Room of the Michigan League. Members of the public can watch the campaign kickoff event using this Zoom link.
SSDP is the largest global youth-led network dedicated to ending the war on drugs, one campus at a time. The University of Michigan chapter of SSDP is focused on accomplishing drug policy change and providing students who chose to use drugs with information on how to stay safe.
SSDP wants the Ann Arbor City Council to pass the Resolution to Advance Sensible Drug Policy, which was written in consultation with elected officials and addiction treatment agencies. If passed by City Council, this resolution would begin the process of fully decriminalizing drug possession. “If we want to treat addiction like a health issue and not like a crime, then personal drug use must not be criminalized” explained chapter President Matt Dargay. The resolution would also instruct city officials to redirect resources towards proven recovery services, such as evidence-based recovery housing and Narcan, the medication used to reverse opioid overdoses.
The launch event will feature remarks from State Senator Jeff Irwin’s Chief of Staff, Annie Sommerville, on why Ann Arbor needs this resolution. “I’m proud to join SSDP in their campaign to decriminalize drug possession in Ann Arbor . The ‘War on Drugs’ has been a complete failure. Addiction is a health issue, not a crime. We need to focus on treatment and rehabilitation,” Sen. Jeff Irwin (D-Ann Arbor) said, “Substances like entheogenic plants and fungi have medical value, a long history of cultural and religious significance, and a very low propensity for abuse. We shouldn’t be putting people in jail for this.” Attendees will also get a crash course on how to engage with elected officials on behalf of sensible drug policy. _____________________________________________
Email: Instagram: sensibledrugpolicy.uofm